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Where Can You Invest Money in A Crisis to Ensure You Do Not Lose

Where to invest money in a crisis – this question is asked by every third person on earth, but not everyone finds an answer to it. In times of financial crisis, profitable investments are made only by professionals, i.e. people who know the market and its laws. For us, ordinary people, during this period it is better to keep your money to yourself. But, until the moment when the turning point has not come, we must take care of the safety of our means. And know where they can be attached, so as not to lose during a crisis.

However, the crisis is really not so terrible as it is being portrayed and certainly should not interfere with your attempts to earn by investing.

Just remember the basic rules to avoid investing mistakes:

– Look for tools that are least likely to be affected by inflation;

– It is better to choose not too risky business, which will bring a stable profit, than to chase a big dream: adventurous deals, albeit promising a huge gain in case of luck;

– Choose tools that will always be in demand, regardless of the economic situation, the country of your residence, etc .;

– You need to invest in something that you can always sell and earn on it.

If you follow the above-mentioned rules, it is best to invest in:


Purchase of products from precious metals, souvenir coins, bank ingots, shares of gold mining companies is a profitable investment, including in times of crisis.

Gold always grows in price, it can always be sold and get money, it can be safely hidden even in times of terrible cataclysms.

No wonder the emigrants fled from the Revolution of 1917, taking with them only jewelry.


This is a slightly more risky object for investing because it can suffer from military actions or natural disasters. And yet the crisis is the most suitable time for buying a property.

At this time the prices for property fall and after the crisis always become more expensive. You just need to consider the location of the property. Central and close to central parts will be more expensive.

Purchase of shares

Playing the stock market is a good way to earn money at any time if you have experience and the knowledge of course. However, it should be remembered that unprepared newcomers have nothing to do here. If you do not know how to trade at the stocks yourself, you can hire a trader. But this is risky again, so you need to make sure it is a trustworthy person who has the needed knowledge too.

Mutual funds – by investing in mutual funds you trust professionals to dispose of your money. This tool allows, if not multiply, at least to save money.

Objects of art and antiques

After a crisis, such things always grow in value, whereas during it – they become cheaper. To avoid cheating by dishonest vendors, find a good appraiser.


Yes, the unfavorable economic situation is an excellent time for getting education and self-development. When all is over, you will be in demand by a professional.

And remember the following commonly known ideas:

– On the stock exchange, bad and good times replace each other.

Each fall of the course will necessarily be followed by its growth. But this is very often forgotten by the players of exchanges, so sometimes they incur huge losses. Never sell shares if they have fallen dramatically in value.

– If you want to make a big profit, you should wait at least 2 to 5 years.

Invest in the shares only the money that you do not really need in the next 5 years. Because if the shares fell in price, just at the moment when you needed money and you decided to sell them. You will incur a loss.

– Buy shares from 5 to 10 different companies (diversification).

Acquire shares of several firms to reduce risks. The loss of one of the shares is offset by other assets. And do not buy more than ten shares; you just will not have time to keep track of the whole situation. If your shares fall in price, you still do not incur losses. You will incur losses if at that moment you sell them. Similarly, with a profit. If the shares are growing, this does not mean that you are in safe territory. You will be all safe when you sell them profitably.

– Buy shares in a crisis.

If you intend to buy shares and it is a crisis time, you should not be afraid. In times of crisis, stock prices are falling, so it makes sense to buy them during this period. But never buy shares at once for all the money you have!

– A rational basis for decision-making and timing.

Before you buy a company’s shares, learn about it as much as possible. Study the movement of the stock price in the past and consider how it will move in the future.

And lastly, remember that shares will always be more profitable than money! Inflation depreciates money but does not depreciate the stock. If you invest your money in money, then inflation can devalue them over time. Inflation, in other words, is an increase in value.

Shares are the right answer to the question: “Where to invest money in a crisis?”

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